Thursday 31 October 2013



Actually this is not smile what we will be talking  about..
It is something else.

It is stand for ;
Simplified molecular Input Line Entry Specification

 As a introduction:

The simplified molecular input line entry specification or SMILES is a specification for unambiguously describing the structure of chemical moleculesusing short ASCII strings. SMILES strings can be imported by most molecule editors for conversion back into two-dimensional drawings or three-dimensionalmodels of the molecules.
The original SMILES specification was developed by Arthur Weininger and David Weininger in the late 1980s. It has since been modified and extended by others, most notably by Daylight Chemical Information Systems Inc. In 2007, an open standard called "OpenSMILES" was developed by the Blue Obelisk open-source chemistry community. Other 'linear' notations include the Wiswesser Line Notation(WLN), ROSDAL and SLN (Tripos Inc).
In July 2006, the IUPAC introduced the InChI as a standard for formula representation. SMILES is generally considered to have the advantage of being slightly more human-readable than InChI; it also has a wide base of software support with extensive theoretical (e.g., graph theory) backing.

A Simplified Chemical Language

SMILES (Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System) is a line notation (a typographical method using printable characters) for entering and representing molecules and reactions. Some examples are:

CC Ethane [OH3+] Hydronium Ion
O=C=O Carbon Dioxide [2H]O[2H] Deuterium oxide
C#N Hydrogen Cyanide [235U] Uranium-235
CCN(CC)CC Triethylamine F/C=C/F E-Difluoroethene
CC(=O)O Acetic Acid F/C=C\F Z-Difluoroethene
C1CCCCC1 Cyclohexane N[C@@H](C)C(=O)O L-Alanine

SMILES contains the same information as might be found in an extended connection table. The primary reason SMILES is more useful than a connection table is that it is a linguistic construct, rather than a computer data structure. SMILES is a true language, albeit with a simple vocabulary (atom and bond symbols) and only a few grammar rules. SMILES representations of structure can in turn be used as "words" in the vocabulary of other languages designed for storage of chemical information (information about chemicals) and chemical intelligence (information about chemistry).

Part of the power of SMILES is that unique SMILES exist. With standard SMILES, the name of a molecule is synonymous with its structure; with unique SMILES, the name is universal. Anyone in the world who uses unique SMILES to name a molecule will choose the exact same name.
One other important property of SMILES is that it is quite compact compared to most other methods of representing structure. A typical SMILES will take 50% to 70% less space than an equivalent connection table, even binary connection tables. For example, a database of 23,137 structures, with an average of 20 atoms per structure, uses only 1.6 bytes per atom when represented with SMILES. In addition, ordinary compression of SMILES is extremely effective. The same database cited above was reduced to 27% of its original size by Ziv-Lempel compression (i.e. 0.42 bytes per atom).
These properties open many doors to the chemical information programmer. Examples of uses for SMILES are:

  • Keys for database access
  • Mechanism for researchers to exchange chemical information
  • Entry system for chemical data
  • Part of languages for artificial intelligence or expert systems in chemistry
The rest of this chapter is a concise exposition of the SMILES encoding rules. For further information, the reader is referred to "SMILES 1. Introduction and Encoding Rules", Weininger, D., J.Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 1988, 28,31.

This is example of SMILE using Chem Sketch apps:

If you still could not get it what mean by SMILE, you can visi

Last but not least, thank you Madam Nuraslinda for your time teaching us.
Sorry if we are making enough trouble to understand about computer and science. It quite hard actualy for Math student to get into Science stream.

However, we fuly enjoy while attending your class.

See you madam, when we see you.




Hope you all in the best condition.

So we now will introduce you with the computer program called Chem Sketch.
It is quite useful for student who is learning in about Chemistry.

ChemSketch is a free download for educational use. It can be used to produce structures of organic
molecules, names of organic molecules as well as Lewis structures, 3D structures, space filling models or
ball and stick models, among other things.

Dummies for Chem Sketch?

The pictures below are showing the panels and buttons which are available in Chem Sketch

With Chem Sketch, we can do many thing like :

  1. Create a graph.

2. Can visualize a 3D molecule model

3. Create apparatus diagram

I got some addition info about Chem Sketch

ChemSketch is a PC package which can also be used to draw molecules, reactions, and schematic diagrams and includes powerful optimization and 3D visualization tools. Currently ChemSketch version 11 is available to CDS users. New features and capabilities introduced in version 11 include:

  • Interface changes, and new shortcuts and toolbar menus to streamline the workflow
  • Improvements in graphical representation, including a NEW 'antialiasing' option for chemical structures
  • Combined styles for American Chemical Society (ACS) journals and Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) journalsChemSketch is a PC package which can also be used to draw molecules, reactions, and schematic diagrams and includes powerful optimization and 3D visualization tools. Currently ChemSketch version 11 is available to CDS users. New features and capabilities introduced in version 11 include:
  • Interface changes, and new shortcuts and toolbar menus to streamline the workflow
  • Improvements in graphical representation, including a NEW 'antialiasing' option for chemical structures
  • Combined styles for American Chemical Society (ACS) journals and Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) journals
  • Implementation of an InChI key generator to comply with new IUPAC protocols
  • Improved handling of coordination structures
  • Augmented handling of images and files, including support of .PNG format
  • Implementation of an InChI key generator to comply with new IUPAC protocols
  • Improved handling of coordination structures
  • Augmented handling of images and files, including support of .PNG format

The assignment of the week using Chem Sketch :
1. Create the graph of rate of reaction.
2. Drawing diagram of vacuum distillation apparatus.
3. Drawing lipids and micelles.

Hopefully we will get this done before the dateline.

smile with peace~




So we are going to introduce you about xml. Actualy we just know this topic yesterday. So we not know much about it. However we try our best to give a brief and understandable about XML.

So hope you all enjoy it.  smile~

XML was designed to transport and store data.
HTML was designed to display data.
It also means :

  • XML stands for EXtensible Markup Language.
  • XML is a markup language much like HTML.
  • XML was designed to carry data, not to display data.
  • XML tags are not predefined. You must define your own tags.
  • XML is designed to be self-descriptive.
  • XML is a W3C Recommendation.

  • XML actualy part of HTML. It is like HTML is a whole body. A Hands, ears, legs are XML.

    Yet, both of it still have differences, which are :

    1. XML is not a replacement for HTML.
    2. XML was designed to transport and store data, with focus on what data is.
    3. HTML was designed to display data, with focus on how data looks.
    But, remember..

    We need to get cautious when writing the coding because XML have a rule.

    XML syntax rule:

    • All XML Elements Must Have a Closing Tag.
    • In HTML, you will often see elements that don't have a closing tag:                                           –<p>This is a paragraph<p>This is another paragraph.
    • In XML, it is illegal to omit the closing tag. All elementsmusthave a closing tag:                           –<p>This is a paragraph</p><p>This is another paragraph</p>.

    I will try to explain you all about XML Element and Attributes with the table below.

    XML Element XML Attributes
    An XML element is everything from (including) the element's start tag to (including) the element's end tag. XML elements can have attributes in the start tag, just like HTML.
    An element can contain other elements, simple text or a mixture of both. Attributes provide additional information about elements
    Elements can also have attributes Attributes are handy in HTML

    This is example of XML Element and Attributes coding.

    • In the first example sex is an attribute. In the last, sex is an element.
    • Both examples provide the same information.
    • There are no rules about when to use attributes and when to use elements.
    • Attributes are handy in HTML.
    So, if you need any detail about XML..You can visit

    Thank you for reading..


    Tuesday 1 October 2013

    Protein Data Bank

                 Today we will learn about PROTEIN DATA BANK. okay so what is exactly this thing??

    Protein Data Bank :

    •  A repository for 3D bilogical macromoleculer structure such as proteins and nucleic acids
    •  All data are available to the public  
    • The data, typically obtained by X-ray crystallography or NMR spectroscopy

    History :

    • it is founded by Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York in 1971.
    • First set of data were entered on punched cards and then with magnetic tapes.
    • the PDB was transferred to the Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics (RCSB) in 1998.
    • In 2003, with the formation of the wwPDB, the PDB became an international organization.
    This is the image for protein structure...

    LexA repressor1A, BEscherichia coli K-12
    Alpha amylase1APyrococcus woesei
    PEPSIN A1A,BSus scrofa
    HtrA Protease do1AEscherichia coli K-12

    1)LexA repressor


    3)Alpha amylase

    4)PEPSIN A

    5)HtrA Protease do

    you can get this protein data bank informations from:

    Tuesday 24 September 2013

    How to use HTML?

    Hello readers!!!  So,we meet again today..
    Today I will teach you something interesting which I just learn in computer class today.


    okay,first of all html is stand for HyperText Markup Language.
     enough for introduction I guess..

    The first step to use html is you need to open the Notepad

    this is the sample of the simple HTML text with the output
    simple HTML text

    the output

    so,the HTML text start with "<html> <body>".
    the "<h1> texts </h1>" is the size of the fonts which 'h1' is the biggest font 
    while 'h2' is smaller than 'h1' and continously until "h6" as the smallest font size...
    while the "<p> text </p>" is represent paragraph.
    the texts end with "</html> </body>".

    1)How to make lists by using HTML?

    there is 3 different lists you can make
    1. Unordered list
    2. Ordered list
    3. Nested list
     Unordered list and Ordered list:

    As you can see,the difference between ordered an unordered list is,
    the unordered list use "<ul" and "</ul>" while unorder list use "<ol" and "</ol>" .The contains of
    the ordered list will sort by alphabets or numbers while unordered.

    Nested List:

    Nested list is the list which contains another list in it.

    Then,you can represent the elements of each list by using "<li>element</li>"

    2)How to put links or reference in HTML?

    to insert link you can use "<a href="link">text</a>".
    For the link,you need to put the url for the reference website.

    3)How to put image in HTML?

    The text you need to use for the image is "<img src="images.jpg" alt="Smiley face"
    width="240" height="240" />
    you can adjust the width size of the image by insert the size of the width and height at the text.
    the text for the moving image and non moving image are same.

    That's all for now.Till we meet again :)))))

    Tuesday 17 September 2013


    My first arrival with family in IIUM Kuantan is at 8:13 p.m. 
    one day before the actual registration day.
    See how excited am I...ngehehehehe ^,^
    Since the registration is tomorrow at 10 a.m, so we are staying at Sri Manja hotel near the campus.

    For the next morning, we attend to OCD (Office Of Campus Director) building to start my Ta'aruf Week with 'beloved' senior..

    For me as a CTS student has been placed in Mahallah Tabari I. It is quite far from the campus.
    So, I begin to think to bring my motorcycle. Yet, IIUM still provide a bus to sent the students to the campus.

    So, this is our bas schedule :

    7.30 AM 12.30 PM
    7.45 AM 1.30 PM
    8.00 AM 2.OO PM
    8.30 AM 4.00 PM
    9.30 AM 5.30 PM
    and that's how I start to become "Geng Bas Sekolah"...

                                                    So, our first first program started at Masjid Sultan Ahmad Shah with Zuhr prayer. We need to wear the XXXL size of 'baju batik' provided for the Ta'aruf programme.

    and the afternoon continue with briefing,briefing,briefing and briefing......... O,o

    on the evening,it is the time we all waiting for *excited* 
    RIADAH TIME!!!!!!!

    during the riadah i've met soooooo many friends 
    which i even never see them at CFS like AZIZ boria,
    and Jepah(huzaipah).Also some sisters asking for my name and twidder.DUH...

    and the night continue with briefing and briefing and briefing agaaaaaaiiiiiinnnnnn.......

    but,the best part I get to learn how interesting IIUM's song is.
    "togetheeerrr,we make the world a better placcceeee"

    after,a lotttt of briefings all of us went to the mosque again because 
    we need to stay there that night.

    the funny part is most of my friends didn't bring extra boxer.Me??no i bring extra,seriously.... 
    we need to sleep early because tomorrow we have "qiam"

    and that's how my first day at IIUM KUANTAN ends :)))))))